Tuesday, October 17, 2006

As the fourth battle opens, Ozgurnikov is certain that the enemy will attack with strength and concentration on focus points where Soviet line is weak. In order to remedy the situation, he has tries to make sure that the line is held by at least a thin cordon of blocking forces with mobile reserves ready to move in to fortify the enemy's axis of advance once it becomes clear.

Ozgurnikov's experience has shown that

  • T34/76 is a clearly inferior tank in every respect save mobility to Panthers and must not be used to engage heavier armor unless well outnumbering the opposing forces. However, the canister round is extremely lethal.
  • The D5 85mm gun is enough to KO most German tanks that roams Dubno map. In fact, it is accurate enough to score a KO hit over 2000 meters. A Panther was killed at around 1200 meters which is again quite satisfactory.
  • 122mm gun on the ISU122 series is a slow loading yet lethal piece of our arsenal. However, this can be cured by having a full company of ISU's so a continuous fusillade is kept over the enemy. Even if the number of stored 122 AP rounds is few, the HE charge landing close to a German vehicle is powerful enough to immobilize it.
  • No smaller caliber less than 76.2 ZiS-3 or the captured 75mm Pak is enough to kill heavier German armor. Only a lucky hit by the 45mm AT guns on the side armor can disable or kill a Panther.
  • More use of our superior artillery arm must be made destroy German assets before they take part in action. A tiger or panther with a missing crew member is far inferior to one with full crew.
  • A frontal engagement with German armor must not be forced unless enemy is outnumbered heavily.
  • Most enemy tanks have slow turrets, so a flanking approach is the best to defeat them. If possible, the enemy is to be engaged from at least 2 different directions to give at least one engagement front to have a flank shot advance.
  • Enemy HT are highly deficient in the way of armor , and can easily be defeated with almost any A/T weapons. However, AT rifles or light AA guns must be used primarily to attack these vehicles to free the heavier guns of Tanks and TDs.

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