Saturday, September 23, 2006

Update from Kampfgruppe Von McEwan

0 Hour plus 5 minutes.

On the left flank the mixed armoured group (Panzer IVs and Stugs) assembled with their supporting grenadiers. On the right flank the main body of the armoured group (including Panthers) supported by grenadiers moved into it’s assembly positions.

Shortly before the attack was due to commence, and as the supporting artillery and mortar units began their prepared fires the left hand kampfgruppe came under heavy and sustained rocket and mortar fire, which inflicted heavy casualties on the grenadiers.

To avoid this fire the accompanying armour moved out only to come under long-range fire from Soviet armour moving down the road towards the bridge on the German right flank. This fire was accurate and deadly. Despite desperate attempts by the panzers and Stugs to evade the incoming AP shells, one after another dropped out of line suffering multiple hits. In desperation the right hand armoured group was asked to move up and support them.

Currently the right hand panzer group has engaged several heavy Soviet assault guns and some T34/85s at around 1600m to no effect. On the left hand flank, the artillery fire has slackened allowing the disrupted grenadiers to regroup and once more press on with their attack. Their accompanying panzers are also regrouping.

The advent of such a strong Soviet armoured force will require a change of plan. The kampfgruppe commander is currently reappraising the situation and issuing new orders.

Report Ends.

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Friday, September 22, 2006

The latest from the map. Known positions of the forces engaged. McEwan's armor to the south, marked in yellow come under fire from the elements of the Soviet mobile group to the soutj (marked in red )
I Estimate that I have killed at least 3 Assault Guns plus 3 Panzer IVs. I must say that this is a good hit rate noting that the distance is well over 2000 meters. ( the first kill was over 2200 ! ). I can see that McEwan is coming with his heavier armor to engage the my tanks.
We will see what the future 'minutes' will bring.

First tank to tank action occurs. At ranges over 2000 meters, Russian tanks start punching holes in the Nazi Panzers !

( Actually there was a hit at 2217 meters with a 85mm gun, and this stug was hit by a 122mm from a ISU122 )

Meanwhile McEwan's Panzer company desperately seek shelter from this barrage of shells while his heavy company tries to come to into range to return fire.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Re: It is raining ...(not men).JPG, It is raining ...(not men) 2.JPG

Von McEwans armored group come under heavy artillery fire...

Kampfgruppe Von McEwan

AAR Battle 1

Reports just in from our units listing casualties.

A Company sufferred 22 casualties of which 18 were KIA.

One Stug bogged down, immobilised and was abandoned awaiting recovery from the engineers.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Up date from Kampfgruppe Von McEwan

Our advance guards made contact with weak Soviet infantry units. The strongest of these positions was situated in some large woods. Our advance platoon suffered heavy casualties in the ensuing firefight. Support from the battalion 120mm mortar battery was urgently requested. Under cover of this fire elements from C company launched an immediate attack to throw out the enemy defenders.

Despite heavy fighting the enemy defenders appear to have slipped out of the net. When the main body of the kampfgruppe arrives the advance into the river valley will be resumed.

The next phase in the battle will see the armoured elemnts of the kampfgruppe united. As Guderian says "You hit somebody with your fist and not with your fingers spread. "

Panzers marsche!

Message Ends.

End of the battle 1

Battle one has ended...

67 casualties.
39 KIA

for the Soviet side.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Ozgurnikov's bunker. His map folder...


Here is the latest update as of 01.00 17/09 

Von McEwans Troops ran into the riflemen of Naval Brigade.